Thursday, May 29, 2014

Enchanted Forest, 2014

Hinton's last official day of kindergarten was yesterday, but he and his class had an Enchanted Forest field trip this afternoon.

Naomi ~ Isaac ~ McKenzie ~ Holland ~ Jake S. ~ Drew ~ Jake D.
Savanah ~ Aubrey ~ Hinton ~ Lily ~ Sofia ~ Ben ~ Gavin
Finding his way through the maze.
The Crooked House
Driving a boat . . . one-handed.
Watching the water show.
Watching "Jack and the Beanstalk"
Bumper boats!
Jaxx ~ Hinton ~ Paige

People Chairs

 Sitting in the "people chairs" at the library.

Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Kindergarten Program

The two kindergarten classes at Hinton's school had their final program this morning.

(Hinton is third from the left, in the back row.)
They sang a bunch of songs.
And then they did their Zumba routine to the song What Does The Fox Say.  
It cracked me up!  You can watch it by clicking HERE.
They were presented with their Kindergarten Memory Books after the performance.
Hinton's Kindergarten Memory Book
We also got to take home Hinton's writing journal, which he wrote in once each month throughout the school year. I loved being able to see how much progress he was making month to month.

September 25, 2013

"I wit to my grantmo and grantpos."
May 19, 2014

"I am going to my Grandma and Grandpas houes on saturday.
I am comeing back on sunday I think."

Last day of Kindergarten!

I can't believe Hinton's last day of Kindergarten is already here!

If you look at the lines on the door behind him, 
you can see how much he's grown in the past year.

Sunday, May 25, 2014

Wiped Out

This was Kason and Hinton on the drive home from Sutherlin this afternoon.

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Chocolate Milkshake

We ran a bunch of errands this afternoon, and the boys were really good sports, so I told them we could stop for ice cream on the way home.  I think it was the first time they had ever had a chocolate milkshake.

Can you tell they liked it?!

Kindergarten Dairy Fieldtrip

This morning both kindergarten classes took a trip to the Rickreall Dairy.  Jaxx came with us.

Jaxx enjoyed feeding the calf. 
Hinton couldn't be convinced to get close enough to even try.
Jaxx & Hinton
Watching the cows get milked.
Looking at the cows that are expected to have babies today.
Holland, Ben, Isaac, Drew, Jake S., Jake D., McKenzie,
Sofia, Naomi, Lily, Savanah, Aubrey, Gavin, Hinton
The requisite silly faces photo.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Year Six, Month Six

Toddler Time Art

Toddler Time is now over for Kason.  I didn't take any photos the last day, but I decided it was time to photograph some of his art before it makes its way to the recycle bin.

Handprint art
Misc art
Fall/Thanksgiving art
Holiday art

Sunday, May 11, 2014

Mother's Day Gift

This beautiful butterfly/hand print flower pot was Hinton's Mother's Day gift to me. 
He made it at school. 

To Mom

I love that he put his last name on the card. Wouldn't want to confuse him with any other Hinton's who might be giving me a Mother's Day gift.  :-)

Monday, May 5, 2014

Frozen Soundtrack

Like every kid in America right now, my boys are taken with the Frozen soundtrack, which we borrowed from the library.  Yes, they are singing the lyrics to the songs.  Hinton is getting especially good at them because he reads/sings along as the songs play.  Kason, as you might be able to tell, likes to act them out.