Friday, August 22, 2014

Summer Reading Club Library Carnival

As a reward for participating in the Summer Reading Club,
the boys got to attend the end of summer carnival this afternoon.

Egg on spoon obstacle course.
Shootin' hoops
Bean bag toss

Groovy glasses!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Farewell, Long Hair!

Jake & Drew's Birthday Party

We went to a birthday party this afternoon for Hinton's kindergarten friends Jake and Drew (who are twins).  They had quite the obstacle course set-up!


Kason got to take a whack at the pinata.

Monday, August 11, 2014

Soccer Time!

Hinton's team
Time for a scrimmage.
Kason's team
"Go, Strikers!"

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Wildlife Safari, 2014

We enjoyed Wildlife Safari today.

The boys had a good time.

Close encounters.
Bison, Hinton's favorite. (Yes, really.)
Bath time!
And Kason enjoyed the petting zoo area.
Hinton, of course, not so much.

Even more pool fun

What's almost as much fun as playing in the pool? 
Emptying it out, of course!