Sunday, July 27, 2014

Enchanted Forest, 2014

We made our annual trek to Enchanted Forest this morning.

Checking out the alligator (crocodile?) in the moat at the castle.
Humpty Dumpty had a great fall, and no one could put him back together again.  Really.  Two drunk guys climbed his wall and knocked him down(!).

A new one is already in the process of being made, though.

The boys loved going down the rabbit hole . . . again and again and again.

And out the other side!

Peeking at Snow White and her animal friends.

The classic Enchanted Forest photo.
The crooked house.
The water show.
And back to the rabbit hole!

Shoe slide.

Watching Jack & the Beanstalk

Kason said hi to the actors afterward.

And a couple kiddie rides before we headed home.

Bumper boats
Mini ferris wheel

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