Saturday, June 14, 2014

H is for: no Handprint, "Hike", Helper, Hanging Out, Hamburgers, Hats & Heroes!

We went to the Saturday Market this morning.  We wanted to get a father/kiddo hand print for Kason like the one on the right of Brandon and Hinton.  Unfortunately, the hand print gal wasn't at the Saturday Market this morning, so we'll have to try again another week.

Then we "hiked" across the bridge to West Salem . . .

 All the way to Taco Bell.

Helper Hinton asked if he could help me while I was scrubbing all the toilets today.  Really!

Just hanging out.

Had a hamburger.

Dressed as heroes and decorated hats (were supposed to be visors for v day
 a few days ago, but I didn't get my act together in time).

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