Friday, June 27, 2014

VBS Family Night

Hinton has been attending VBS this week, and tonight was family night.
He and the other kids his age sang some songs.

Hinton is in the yellow shirt in the bottom row all the way on the left.

Thursday, June 26, 2014

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Farewell, Ewald House

We stopped by the Ewald house for the last time
this afternoon to pick up a few things.

Of course it's not far from our new house, so we'll still drive by it 
from time to time, but it is a bit weird that it will no longer be ours.

I felt the need to take some photos of the boys before we left.

 And then we headed out to enjoy some HUGE slices of pizza.

Saturday, June 21, 2014

G is for: Grandma & Grandpa, Games, Game Park (Goats!), Grandma Barb, Garden + Green Beans

Bandon visit!
We started the morning off by playing a game.

We visited the Game Park.

Kason liked the goats.  Hinton, notsomuch.
Hinton did enjoy the animals he could look at when they were in an enclosure.
Kason is using his peacock "creature powers"
(from the show Wild Kratts on PBS, which teaches all about different animals)

Kason liked getting to pet the animal
(a baby tiger, bear, raccoon, fox, caracal and more!)
but Hinton wouldn't get close enough to try.

We also got to visit Grandma Barb!

And we checked on the green beans in the garden.
They're just starting to come up!

Friday, June 20, 2014

WVFC Playdate

We got together with some friends, including Jaxx and Paige, at the Willamette Valley Fruit Company this morning.  Jaxx pushed both Kason and Hinton on the swings.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

W is for: Wednesday, Waffles, Wes Bennett Park, Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory

Hinton insisted that "W Day" should be on a Wednesday.
Which, of course, makes perfect sense.

We had waffles for lunch.

Played at Wes Bennett park.

Watched Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, 
and even ate some Wonka candy!

Monday, June 16, 2014

Sunday, June 15, 2014

Happy Father's Day!

An Iron Man movie poster for the theater room.

Checking out the boys' crafty frame handiwork.

And we got to have dinner at the Olive Garden with all the of Rolstons!

Saturday, June 14, 2014

H is for: no Handprint, "Hike", Helper, Hanging Out, Hamburgers, Hats & Heroes!

We went to the Saturday Market this morning.  We wanted to get a father/kiddo hand print for Kason like the one on the right of Brandon and Hinton.  Unfortunately, the hand print gal wasn't at the Saturday Market this morning, so we'll have to try again another week.

Then we "hiked" across the bridge to West Salem . . .

 All the way to Taco Bell.

Helper Hinton asked if he could help me while I was scrubbing all the toilets today.  Really!

Just hanging out.

Had a hamburger.

Dressed as heroes and decorated hats (were supposed to be visors for v day
 a few days ago, but I didn't get my act together in time).