Thursday, February 20, 2014

Shawn's Early Birthday

We had an early birthday celebration for Shawn today at Chuck E. Cheese.

Kason REALLY liked this mini-carousel.

There's Chuck E!

Collecting the tickets Chuck E. tossed.

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Valentine's Day, 2014

 The boys each got a little basket of goodies to celebrate Valentine's Day.

Hinton was up sick in the middle of the night, so he had to miss his Valentine's Day party at school.  His teacher is wonderful, and actually stopped by our house after school to bring him his Valentines and a cookie from the party!  By then he was already feeling better, and he had fun reading them all.

These are the beautiful tulips I was lucky
enough to get for Valentine's Day!
This is the sick kid "excited" that he got
General Grievous in his Valentine's Day basket.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Snow: Day 3

It's deep!
We built a mini-snowman.
"Mommy, this is a funny-looking snowman!" said Kason.
Hinton wanted to dig a den.
Back to "cleaning" the car.