Thursday, November 28, 2013

Thrifty Shopper

Happy Thanksgiving!

Kason is checking out the Black Friday ads.
(Somehow this is the only picture I took today!?!)

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Sumpter Park Playdate

We had a fun playdate with the Daughertys today.
It was sooo nice out we decided to walk to Sumpter Park.

Kohyn ~ Kason ~ Kelson ~ Hinton

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Building a Castle

Kason worked hard this morning building castles at Toddler Time.
(I really like these natural-looking blocks!)

Saturday, November 16, 2013

Early Thanksgiving Celebration

Today we got to enjoy an early Thanksgiving celebration 
with Brandon's family at his grandfather's house in Springfield.

Everyone was watching the movie Elf.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Star Wars Birthday "Surprise"

Brandon has been telling Hinton for years that he (Hinton) can play with his (Brandon's) old Star Wars toys when he turns six.  Well, today was the big day!  Brandon had them all set out so that Hinton could see everything when he walked into Brandon's office.

He was a bit excited!  (As was Kason.)


Happy 6th Birthday, Hinton!

We had a little birthday celebration at home for Hinton tonight, 
since today was actually his birthday.

A Star Wars advent calendar.
A huge hit, two years in a row!

Kindergarten Birthday Celebration

Hinton had his birthday celebration at kindergarten today.
He got to take six trips around the earth, and talk about growing up.

Then he got to blow out a birthday candle.  
He also got to keep the hat that he was wearing, which all of his friends signed.

Sunday, November 10, 2013

Super Bounce ~ Birthday Party!

We celebrated Hinton's birthday today with a party at Super Bounce.
He invited all of his kindergarten friends.

Kason went up, up, up . . .
and then flying back down!
Lined up to switch rooms.
Birthday cake time!
Blowing out the candles.
The birthday boy
Kason ~ Sebastian ~ Oliver ~ Hinton
The kids were happy to get to meet Kodi the kangaroo.