Thursday, April 9, 2015

Kason's Preschool Birthday Celebration

Kason got to have his birthday celebration at school this morning.

He brought a photo in from every year of his life thus far to walk around and share with his class.

And then he got to blow out a candle.

And he walked a small bottle around and all of his friends put a "birthday blessing bead" in it as they wish him Happy Birthday.

And then his friends get to ask him a few questions.  He called on his best buddy Caden (in the red shirt, with both arms raised) first, of course.

Kason and I looked at a BUNCH of pictures on the blog to choose the ones he took to school to share.  These are the ones he chose.

Baby Kason
One-Year-Old Kason
Two-Year-Old Kason
Three-Year-Old Kason

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Kason, Year Four + Two Days

We somehow didn't get around to taking his tiger and bear pictures on his birthday.  It was a busy day!

Monday, April 6, 2015

The Birthday Boy

Happy Fourth Birthday to our goofball!

Opening his presents

Kason had fun opening his family birthday presents tonight.

Hinton has a trophy that Kason is always wanting to play with,
so we bought him his own that says "Best Family".

 Batman Duplos!

A Chuck E. Cheese Birthday

Kason is ready for his party to start!
Watching Chuck E. Cheese
And enjoying pizza.

Time to play some games!

Kason had a lot of fun playing with his best buddy Caden.

 Dancing with Chuck E. Cheese

He threw a bunch of tickets!
Gotta pick them up!

Time for cake!

Lots of fun had by all!

Kason ~ Chuck E. Cheese ~ Caden
And a tuckered out boy when we got home!

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Happy Easter! 2015

Easter baskets!

Hinton was super excited to get a Hawkeye Infinity (video game) character.

And Kason was happy to get Big Hero 6 toys.

Hoppy Easter, Hinton!

Time to find some eggs!