Tuesday, March 31, 2015


 We started the day with two boys, and ended the day with two Boxtrolls!

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Family Slumber Party

We had a slumber party in the family room with the boys tonight.
It's the second time we've done it, and they think it's a super treat!

Easter Egg Hunt!

Today I took the boys to an Easter Egg Hunt at their school.  The hunt for the big kids and the little kids started at the same time, so I only got photos of Kason.

On their marks!  Get set . . .

After the Easter Egg hunts we went into the gym.
And met the Easter Bunny!

And played a bunch of games.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Fabulous Kason

 Styled by his friend Mika during a Spring Break playdate. 
Photos saved for future teasing. 

Monday, March 23, 2015

Another Small Milestone

Spring break project accomplished.  
Look who can now tie his own shoe laces!

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Zoo Fun

We took a family trip to the zoo this morning.

Silly daddy!

Ride 'em cowboys!

Trying to measure up.  Hinton almost does!

And now, some more animals!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Kason's Preschool Sharing, Round 2

 Kason had his second sharing time at preschool this morning.  This time he was supposed to bring in things that start with the letter "K".  He chose ketchup, koala bears, and a keychain!

Showing off the ketchup.
Showing off the mama and baby koala bears (borrowed from Hinton).

I also have a couple short videos from his sharing time, which I will be uploading soon!