Monday, March 24, 2014

I ♥ sleeping photos

They're the cutest, right?

Gingerbread House Construction

We brought a gingerbread house for the boys to build, with a little assistance.

Putting up the walls.
Ready to decorate.
And taste test.
Tada!   Looks good enough to eat.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

An Eleanor's and Beachy Afternoon

We stopped and played some games at Eleanor's this afternoon.

And then we went to the beach.

BJ ~ Oliver ~ Kason ~ Hinton
Hinton dug a hole.
A DEEP hole!
A beautiful day!

Saturday, March 22, 2014

The boys

Sebastian ~ Hinton ~ Oliver ~ Brandon ~ Kason ~ BJ


What a beautiful day at the beach!

 Today was a beach clean-up day, so Hinton and I went down to help.

He also climbed some rocks,
surfed on a log,
found a big rock,
and wrote in the sound.

Friday, March 21, 2014

Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Trampoline Park, Take 2

We helped another friend, Kinley, celebrate his birthday this afternoon at the trampoline park.

Foam Pit