Monday, January 27, 2014

Chuck E. Cheese Fun!

Riding a rollercoaster
Driving a race car

I love these photos from the booth!


Dancing with Chuck E.

Piggie & Elephant

Shawn, Sophia and Kason were reading a
Piggie & Elephant book - and acting it out!

Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Catalina Island

Our first day in port on our cruise ~ Catalina Island.

And a view of our ship from Catalina Island:

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Hollywood Walk of Fame

Tonight, in celebration of Brandon's birthday, we ventured to the Hard Rock Cafe in Hollywood (before we leave for our cruise tomorrow).  We also wandered around the Hollywood Walk of Fame.  Here are a few of the stars we saw as we wandered:

aka Han Solo!
Speed-y Couple
(That's Keanu's star behind Sandra's.)
One of Brandon's favorites.