Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Swimming treat!

Today was Hinton's second day of swimming lessons for this summer.  His teacher treated him to a Burger King ice cream cone for swimming all the way across the pool by himself!

Monday, July 22, 2013


 We went and picked blueberries this morning.  Hinton was a great helper!

I put Kason in his stroller so he couldn't wander off. 
He still managed to get his fair share of blueberries.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

New Water Table

Our neighbors were having a yard sale, and we bought their water table.

Brandon discovered that if he sprays the hose on the umbrella, 
it will spin and shoot water everywhere!

Enough with the umbrella, hose 'em down!

Run, Hinton, run!

 And they had fun splashing each other too, of course.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


The teenager in me had a dream come true - 
I finally got to attend a New Kids on the Block concert!

Kari ~ Steph ~ Amber
2 of my best friends from college!

 First up: Boyz II Men

Next: 98 Degrees

And finally ~ New Kids on the Block!!
They were on stage for 2 hours. 
