Sunday, June 30, 2013

Monsters University

We took Kason to see his first movie today.

 I was worried about Kason staying in his seat,
so we brought his small "highchair" and strapped him in.  It worked great!
Ready for the movie to start.

Friday, June 28, 2013

VBS Family Night

Hinton attended Vacation Bible School this week,
and this evening we enjoyed a family night.

And some ice cream.

Thursday, June 27, 2013


 Enjoying some treats at our cute yard-sale-find picnic table.

Kason likes Popsicles,
Hinton likes Fudgsicles

Sunday, June 16, 2013

In "the cave"

Hinton and Kason like playing under the big basketball hoop in our living room.  They call it "the cave".  It's where the tigers live, of course.

How many boys can you fit in a sandbox?

BJ and Danielle and family came over today.
The boys had a great time playing together!

Sebastian ~ Kason ~ Hinton

Friday, June 14, 2013

T-Ball Picnic

 Today we had a picnic with Hinton's t-ball team to celebrate the end of the season.

Playing catch before it was time to eat.

After eating we went down to the field for the very, very last game of the season.

Hinton got to carry the bases, which he thought was exciting.
Who's in the outfield?  All the moms, of course.
Batter up!
I was the second-base-woman.
My turn to run the bases.
Time for the dads to take the field!
Pretending to tag him out.
And goofing off some more.
All of the dads batted left-handed.
Brandon's turn to run the bases.

When the adults finally called it a night (after 8 p.m.) the kids were all chanting that they wanted to keep playing.  A great time had by all!

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Kason's first t-ball practice

Hinton decided that since his t-ball season is over, it is time for Kason's to start.  
And that he, Hinton, would be Kason's coach.

Demonstrating how to swing the bat.
Batter up!

Popsicle Down!

He didn't quite make it through his Popsicle.

Saturday, June 8, 2013

Last game of the season

 Today was the last t-ball game of the season.

Batter up
Running to first
Running home
End of the season t-ball trophy. 

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Kason, Year Two, Month Two

I've found Kason like this two nights in a row . . .
not in his bed, but under it.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Kason, Year Two, Week Nine

I know, the photo is upside down.  My camera has this weird, SUPER annoying quirk that the first photo I take will always come up with an error if I try to "change its properties" by cropping, rotating, etc.  Grrr.