Monday, April 29, 2013

Napping with Woody

Kason sat on the couch with Woody,
and the next thing I knew he was out!

Saturday, April 27, 2013

First T-Ball Game

Hinton had his very first t-ball game today!

Sitting in the dugout.

Hinton was the catcher during the first inning.

Batter up!

Running to first base
On first base
On second base
On third base
Running home!
Running *past* home plate - oops!
He went back to touch it.

Time for some outfielding.

Jake ~ Hinton

Good game, good game, good game!

Thursday, April 25, 2013

"Matching" Pajamas

South Village Park

We are loving this beautiful spring weather!  Today we stopped by South Village Park to play.  This was the first time Kason was really old enough to play on the big play structure.  He had a lot of fun investigating the wobbly, creaky bridge.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Preschool Sharing Day: Hinton's Island

It was Hinton's turn for sharing time at preschool today.  For this sharing time they got to draw an island (as homework), and then show it to their classmates and tell them all about it.

Hinton's island description:

The clown fish is looking for an anemone to protect him at the coral reef.

The brown island has a pizza place, a green tree, and a yellow sun.

Saturday, April 20, 2013

T-Ball Round-Up

Go, Cubs!

Hinton and his team had what they call a "t-ball round-up" this morning.  All of the older players helped the young t-ballers practice their baseball skills, including:

running bases,
and batting.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Saturday ~ Coast Trip ~ Happy Birthday Kason!

We got to spend a couple days with the grandparents
at the Winco house on the coast.

We had a belated birthday celebration for Kason.

Birthday cake, yum!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Thursday ~ Coast Trip ~ Tillamook Cheese Factory

We visited the Cheese Factory today.

Hinton the cow, Daddy the farmer.

We watched cheese being made.

Beep beep!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013