Thursday, January 31, 2013

Reindeer Games

Kason is getting old enough now that he and Hinton really enjoy playing together.  I went to investigate when I heard them making a racket in the bathroom.  They were making funny faces and jumping around in front of the mirror . . . pretending to be reindeer.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Pink Day!

Hinton was pretty pleased to be able to wear a shirt of his own creation to preschool this morning for Pink Day.

Of course, Kason wanted to get in on the picture action too.

Friday, January 25, 2013

Michael's - Preschool Fieldtrip

Hinton's preschool took a fieldtrip to Michael's this morning.

They went on a scavenger hunt.

After the scavenger hunt they got to color a map . . .

and draw a self-portrait.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Shirt Decorating

This month is all about colors at Hinton's preschool.  Every day they wear clothing of a different color.  Next Monday is pink day . . . but, Hinton has NO pink clothes!  So we decided to decorate our own shirt.  Hinton's friend Josh and brother Sam came over to decorate shirts with him too.

Kason had fun coloring too.

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Friday, January 11, 2013

Mustache Man!

Hinton declared himself "Mustache Man"!

Sharing Time

Hinton had sharing time at preschool this morning.

He loves getting to share!

I took a video, but for some reason I can't get it to upload.

Thursday, January 10, 2013

Show & Tell Preparation

Hinton was getting ready for his next Show & Tell coming up at preschool.  This month is all about colors.  He chose to take Yoda and a dinosaur to share because they are both green, his favorite color.  He also chose to take Stuffy to share because his sharing time ended up being on Purple Day.

He also drew pictures of his chosen items in the class's sharing notebook.

Kason did a little drawing too . . . mostly on himself.

Shoe Dam

Pretty much exactly what it sounds like.
They made a "dam".  Out of shoes.

Friday, January 4, 2013


After Daddy and Hinton finished playing video games
this evening, Kason couldn't help but want to "play" too.


Enjoying a Christmas gift.